ℳ₁ - Salah Prayer Masterclass

Table of Contents

Level 2 - Wudu, Tone

Level 3 - Dresscode & Purposes

Level 4 - Establishing Salah ½ - Total Raka’s & First Raka’ Structure

Level 5 - Establishing Salah - Utterances of First Raka’/Set

Level 7 - Grammar of مُصَلًّى Musalla 2:125

Memory Techniques/Tricks (Association/more Connections=Important + Storytelling + Patterns)


  • Surah Numbers & Verses & Names
  • Anything related with numbers
    • Multiples
    • Prime/Odd & Even numbers
    • Fibonacci Sequence 

What are the names of Salah? 

  • Salatu l-Fajr (24:58) – 11:114 (TF)
  • As-Salatu Al-Wusta (2:238) 17:78 (TF)
  • Salatu l-’Isha (24:58) -11:114 (TF)

What verses?

  • 24:58 (there are 2 names)
  • 2:238 (there are 1 name) Unique number (meaning above 227 verses (at least from 200+) = for #2, for #3 = 3 Salawaat/Salahs, #8 = same ending as 24:58 

When/Time Frames?

  • 11:114 = 2 time frames (Fajr 2:187 & ‘Isha) – Beginning and End (Is it before sunrise or sunset?) – 
  • 17:78 = 1 time frame (Wusta/ 2:238) – 

Confusion verses? 20:130 – Tasbih – 24:41 – Salah & Tasbih together but distinguished 

  • Does it mention Salah first of all?
  • If 20:130 was Salah TF, then why is ENDS of the Day in the plural (min. 3) instead of DUAL in 11:114?

Praying Salah on Time importance 4:103

Level 2: Wudu, Tone

What verse is the Tone of voice?

  • 17:110 – Middle ish but no. In a rhythmic tone (No loud nor silent, but a way between that). 
    • 2:121* The True Recital of the Quran
      • 73:4* Rhythmic tone
      • 25:32* Rhythmic tone
    • 7:204* Must Listen & pay attention during group Salah 
    • Healing Quran 10:57
  •  5:58 Calling for Salah-Prayer
    • 29:45 “Allah Akbar” 

What verses Wudu?

  • 4:43* = Exception rules + other rules
    • Do not approach Salah while intoxicated until you know what you are saying.
      • 5:6 > Orgasm (male/female) Purify-yourself meaning = 4:43*
      • Same exceptions of 5:6
    • Allah has been Pardoning, Forgiving
  • 5:6 = Main Wudu verses 
    • (1) Wash faces (2) and hands till Elbows
    • (3) Wipe head (4) and feet till both ankles
      • Exceptions/Conditions
        • Orgasm (male/female) Purify-yourself meaning = 4:43*
          • Ill/Sick (4:101 & 4:103)
          • or Journey (4:101 & 4:103)
          • or came out of Toilet/Al-Ghaa-it* (urination, defecation, gas*)
          • Or touch, to have contact (sexual or not) women*
            • CAN’T FIND WATER = Tayyammum = Clean Soil 
            • Rub/wipe Faces and Hands ONLY
    • Purpose is to be pure/clean + perfect Allah’s Favor* + to say thank you Allah
      • *Perfect Allah’s Favor = mithaaq/covenant = we hear – we obey All Allah Words (5:7 > 2:285* > 3:7)
      • Allah knows what is inside you chests


  • Discipline 

Main Purposes

What are the names of the Surahs

Level 3: Dresscode & Purposes

Dresscode For Salah: 

  • 7:31 – “take you adornment at every masjid”

Purposes 1 – Basics

Purposes (Dunya): 

  • 51:56* – Created Jinn & Ins to worship Allah
    • 20:14 – “Establish Salah-Prayer for My remembrance/Remembrance of Allah”
  • 29:45 – Salah Prevents – Defense Mechanism
    • Al-Fahsha/Immoralities/very-negative emotions
    • Al-Munkar/Unknown-evils/Negative-curiosity
      • The Remembrance of Allah is Akbar/the Greatest

Purposes (Al-Akhirah): 

  • 74:43 – it SAVES us by Allah’s Permission (Mandatory)
  • Preparing for Judgment Day/Meeting with Allah
    • Standing (39:68
    • Kneeling (77:48) – near the end of Surah (77:50)
    • Prostration (68:42-43)

*Purposes 2 – Why/When/How did Salah come?


  • To be saved/Allah’s Mercy/Allah’s Testament with Abraham – 19:87


  • At Abraham’s Time
    • Why 1? (Abraham’s Millat/Legacy/Denomination) – Hanifa 3:95 
      • 1. (1st part of his story) Sacrificed Father, People & his Life for the Cause of Allah – Miracle – “Fire” – not burning therein – Salaaman 
      • 2. (2nd  part of his story) Sacrifice of Isma’el/Son – (Noah’s Son) Perfect Allah’s kalimaat/words (2:124 – 125* – 130 Leader for Mankind + Salah instructions) – Allah enters into a Testament/Contract with Abraham
      • 3. – One of the rewards = Salah
      •  Hajj as other reward (Al-Masjidu Al-Haraam – The House of Allah) – Qiblah
        • Abraham Fulfills/100 passes ‘Ahd/Testament 53:37 = 19:87
    • Why 2 – What are the proofs that Father Abraham demanded intercession? 
      • Honorable Angels Visit him – After the destruction of Lot’s people, 
        • Intercession (14:35 – 14:41) – 14:36* – i.e. Intercessory Prayer
        • “So whoever followed me, then he is of me”

How? 21:73 * 

Level 4: Establishing Salah ½ - Total Raka’s & First Raka’ Structure

Where are the raka’s? – 4:102

  1. 2 Raka’s (raka’atayn) by Prophet Muhammad 
  2. Military Group Salah
  3. Military Group Salah Shortening (4:101)
  4. Group Salah in General
  5. Group Salah in General Shortening (4:101)
  6. Salah Shortening individual (4:101)
  7. Ending*** Salah in Prostration

1st Raka’ Structure Explanation 2:125*:

  • Qiblah = House of Allah
    1. 1st Position of Salah – Maqam IbrahimMUSALLA (connects with Salah)
      • Feet Position (3:97)
  1. Taa-ifs (lil-taa-efeen pl. visitations/impulses) / (confuse with tawaaf)
    • 7:200-201 > 16:98 (Seek refuge in Allah from Satan)
  1. ***‘Akifs (devotions) – ****
    • Say within Mind-Heart/Mindset/Intentions (silent):
      • 2:238 (Qaanitun – Devoutly-Obedient)
      • 6:72 (ittaqu-H – Conscious/god fearing of HIM)
      • 23:2 / 2:45*-46 (Khaashi’un – Meeting Allah mindset) 
      • 26:89 (Qalbun Saleem – wholeheartedly)
      • 30:30-31 (wa-ilayHi unib 11:88 – and to Him I turn penitent)
    • Say with Salah tone-of-voice 17:110:
      • 3:18 > 20:14
      • 6:161 > 98:5
      • 6:162* > 98:5
      • 6:163 > 98:5
  1. Ruka’i (Kneelings)
    • 38:24* (David kneeling)
  1. Sujud (Prostrations)
    • 17:107-109 – Chin Prostrations 

2nd Raka’ Explanation 22:26 (to be seen after)

Jumu’a 62:9-10


Level 5: Establishing Salah - Utterances of First Raka’/Set

1st Raka’s 2:125 

  1. Wudu
  2. Qiblah (2:143-150 + 10:87)
  3. Standing + Foot Position (2:125) – Started the Intercession-Salah-Prayer of Abraham’s Testament with Allah
  4. I am Establishing Salatu l-Fajr, Al-Wusta or Al-’Isha (42:38 Respond to Allah for Salah)
    1. Uqimu Salatu l-Fajr/Al-Wusta/Al-’Isha 
  5. *Allahu Akbar (29:45) – All Transitions with the remembrance of Allah is the Greatest
  6. Taifs (Seek refuge in Allah from Satan the Damned 7:200-201, 16:98)
  7. ‘Akifs (mindset verses + 3:18 + 6:161-163)
    1. While standing, Seeking Help = Al-Fatihah 1:5 / 1:1-7 (2:45/2:153)
    2. While standing, Seeking Patience = Prayer 2:250 (2:45/2:153)
      1. Conditional/Additional
    3. Recite the Book (7:170*, 29:45, 35:29) – recite part of Quran or a full surah
  1. Kneeling – Allahu Akbar (29:45)
    1. 11:3 Forgiveness verses + repentance (38:24)
      1. Apply ANY forgiveness verse + repentance verse
      2. 28:16 / 7:23 (mercy)  = Forgiveness
      3. Find Repentance verse 46:15
    2. 7:206 (Glorify before Sujud) – 56:74
  1. CHIN Prostration Allahu Akbar (29:45)
    1. 17:107-108* = what to say during first sujud on Chin
    2. 26:218-219* (back & forth motion) / 17:109
    3. Prostrate then Worship your Lord (53:62) – 87:1 x3 (87:15 salah verb mentioned)

Allahu Akbar (29:45) – 2nd Raka’ – 22:26

2nd Raka 22:26* 

No Ismael mentioned

**”Do not associate anything with Me:”

  1. Taifs (Seek refuge in Allah from Satan the Damned, 7:200-201 > 16:98)
  2. *Qaa-imeen (Standings } 2:125 Maqam Ibrahim) substituted ‘Akifs
    1. While standing, Seeking Help = Al-Fatihah 1:1-7 (2:45/2:153*)
    2. While standing, Seeking Patience = Prayer 7:126 (2:45/2:153)
      1. Conditional/Additional
    3. Recite the Book (7:170, 29:45, 35:29) – recite part of Quran or a full surah
    4. 9:99* Messenger Prayers = ALL Rabbana/Rabbi Verses **** if you ask Allah anything, always say why + His Name that goes with it.
    5. 19:1-3 <> 3:38 Nidaan Khafia – Secret Call* {VERY SPECIAL CONDITION 17:110}use the Secret Letters (code). – Personal. Never in a group.
  1. Kneeling – Allahu Akbar (29:45)
    1. 11:3 Forgiveness verses + repentance (38:24)
      1. 28:16, 7:23 Forgiveness
      2. 46:15 Repentance
    2. 7:206 (Glorify before Sujud)
  1. CHIN Prostration – Allahu Akbar (29:45)
    1. 17:107-108 (while Chin prostration)
    2. 26:218-219 / 17:109
      1. **17:111 } 22:26 } “Do not associate anything with Me:”
    3. Glorify during worship (53:62)
  1. Allahu Akbar (29:45) – Prostrate to End Salah (4:102)
    1. 2:131 – I have Surrendered to the Lord of the Worlds / Al-Hamdu Lillahi Rabbil ‘alamin

Level 7: Grammar of مُصَلًّى Musalla 2:125

10 Verb Forms in Arabic (technically 15)

5 Verb Types in Arabic

Active Participle (AP present tense اسم الفاعل) form II-X: Prefix مُ (mu). The imperfect (present tense) stem of, يُدَرِّس is دَرَّس, attach the prefix مُ (mu) to the stem and get مُدَرِّس (teacher). 

The Passive Participles (PP اسم المفعول) of derived defective verbs always end in an alif maqsuura ى with two fathas written above it. For example, the passive participle of the verb سَمّى is مُسَمّىّ“ named/specified.”

Musalla is a Defective Form II Passive Participle (D.FII.PP) مُصَلًّى – One who prayed



Musalla in plural is Musalleen (الْمُصَلِّينَ D.FII.AP.) which is found 3 times in the Quran

(70:22, 74:43 & 107:4)


10 Verb Forms in Arabic (technically 15)

Verb Form I-VNotes
Form I    – فعل fa-3a-laForm VI   – تفاعل ta-faa-3a-la
Form II  – فعّل fa-33a-laForm VII  – انفعل in-fa-3a-la
Form III  – فاعل faa-3a-laForm VIII – افتعل if-ta-3a-la
Form IV – أفعل af-3a-laForm IX   – افعلّ if-3a-lla
Form V  – تفعّل ta-fa-33a-laForm X    – استفعل is-taf-3a-la

5 Verb Types in Arabic







Verb Form II



وقَّع / يبَّس

خوَّف / سيَّر

سَمّى / خشَّا

Root Letters 3

ك ت ب

ر د د

و ق ع / ي ب س

خ و ف / س ي ر

س م و / خ ش ي

1st/Mid/Last Radical

1st و / ي

Mid و / ي

Last و / ي

Active Participle (AP present tense اسم الفاعل) form II-X: Prefix مُ (mu). The imperfect (present tense) stem of, يُدَرِّس is دَرَّس, attach the prefix مُ (mu) to the stem and get مُدَرِّس (teacher). 

The Passive Participles (PP اسم المفعول) of derived defective verbs always end in an alif maqsuura ى with two fathas written above it. For example, the passive participle of the verb سَمّى is مُسَمّىّ“ named/specified.” 











Musalla is a Defective Form II Passive Participle (D.FII.PP) مُصَلًّى – One who prayed

Musalla in plural is Musalleen (الْمُصَلِّينَ D.FII.AP.) which is found 3 times in the Quran

(70:22, 74:43 & 107:4)

Abraham's Salah