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Table of Contents

1. Allah Commands the Denomination of Abraham, Hanifa

2. What does Hanifa mean?

3. The First Hanifa

4. Hanifa Transformation

5. Hanifa Applies to ALL Current Major Prophets

6. Hanifa Muslim

7. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Followed the Denomination of Abraham, Hanifa

8. Faithful-friend of Allah

9. Most-Worthy of Mankind

Allah Commands the Denomination of Abraham, Hanifa

Here at Abraham’s Foundation, we strictly adhere to the teachings of the Quran. After the thorough and continuous study, research & development of the Quran with Allah’s permission, it is without a doubt that Allah wants us to closely follow a specific Denomination of Islamic Monotheistic Religion.

This denomination is directly related to Prophet Abraham’s legacy, creed, and religion as a Hanifa:

3:95 Say, “Allah has spoken-truthfully/sincerely. So closely-follow (v.f8 pl. everyone) the Denomination/Religion/Legacy/Creed of Ibrahim/Abraham, Hanifa (Pure-Monotheist); and he wasn’t among the idol-worshipers/polytheists/Mushrikeens.”

What does Hanifa mean?

Just like in the dictionary, one who scorns the false creeds surrounding him and professes the True Religion – that is a Hanif or in the Arabic accusative, Hanifa, as found in the Quran, all the time. Or i,e. a True-Monotheist.
Thus, it’s best to anglicize Hanifa as a new English noun, then put its interpretation in parenthesis (True-Monotheist under Prophet Abraham’s guidance) – exactly how we’ve anglicized the noun Muslim (one-who-surrenders). That is because a Hanifa means much more than a True-Monotheist like the definition above. And that definition above ‘one who scorns the false creeds surrounding him and professes the True Religion’ is directly referencing Prophet Abraham’s Story –  the Father of today’s three major Monotheistic Religions: Judaism, Christianity & Islam (22:78).

The First Hanifa

Here’s a brief summary of Father Abraham’s development of becoming the first Hanifa, the only one to have this title in the Quran, and the prime example.
So before Father Abraham executed the plot of destroying the false gods of his people except for a large one, he came to Allah (SWT)
  1. Wholeheartedly/with a sound heart (37:84)
  2. Allah had given him his rationality (21:51 rush’dah)
  3. And certainty (6:75).

These are key qualities especially his rationality (21:51) because he used common sense – deductive reasoning and logic to come to the conclusion that there must be only One God (6:76-79).

He rationalized this through the creation of the Heavens and the Earth. He was looking for our Lord – Allah.
  1. He glanced at the Stars (37:88)
  2. And noticed a planet (6:76) that eventually set and disappeared. He disliked what sets and disappears.
  3. He noticed the same thing with the moon (6:77) and realized he must require guidance or else he will for sure go astray.
  4. And finally, when he saw the sun emerging (6:78), he noticed it was the greatest visible celestial object, but it set and disappeared too.
And then, it clicked.

Hanifa Transformation

At the end of 6:78, he denounced the false idea of multiple gods, disassociates and exempts himself from his idol-worshipping people while understanding the Root Cause of Creation:
< 6:78 And when he saw the sun emerging/rising, he said, “This is my Lord; this is greater/the greatest.” But as-soon-as it set/disappeared, he said, “O my people, indeed I am exempt/innocent/free from what you associate-as-partners.>
Now pay close attention because Father Abraham then proclaims the utterance of a Hanifa by clarifying the Root Cause of Creation that all arguments point to:
<*6:79 Indeed, I have aimed/directed/faced my face to the One Who split/broke-apart/originated the Heavens and the Earth, as a Hanifa (True-Monotheist), and I am not among the idol-worshipers/polytheists/Mushriks.”>
Sub’ahana Allah! That is the original declaration of becoming a Hanifa and Father Abraham (as) was the first to proclaim it among the Hunafa’a (pl. of Hanifa) in the Quran. And Allah SWT has preserved it and commanded us to closely-follow this path of (3) one who scorns the false creeds surrounding him and professes the True Religion in 3:95.
Hence, a Hanifa is truly the opposite of a Mushrik/an idol-worshipper.
<2:130 And who dislikes/detests (yarghabu‘an turns-away) the Denomination/Religion/Legacy/Creed of Abraham except one-who fooled his—own—soul/himself. And most definitely, We have chosen/selected him in the-present-world, and indeed, he is in the Afterlife/Hereafter, surely-among the righteous-ones.>

Hanifa Applies to ALL Current Major Prophets

The Denomination/Religion/Legacy/Creed of Abraham – Hanifa applies to ALL current major Prophets such as Moses, Jesus, the prophets in between Moses & Jesus, and the Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad. Let’s see the clear evidence of this in the Quran starting with Prophet Moses to Jesus:
  <2:135 They said, “Be Judaic/Jewish or Christians to-be-rightly-guided.”
 Say, “Rather, the Denomination/Religion/Legacy/Creed of Abraham, Hanifa (True-Monotheist). And he wasn’t among the idol-worshippers/polytheists/Mushriks.”>
Those who are Judaic/Jewish involve all Prophets from Moses (as) until Jesus (as), and since Christians are mentioned in 2:135 as well, that means Jews & Christians were and still are to follow the Denomination/Religion/Legacy/Creed of Abraham, Hanifa (True-Monotheist).
Allah puts a special clarity around this:

Hanifa Muslim

<3:67 Abraham was neither Jewish/Judaic nor a Christian, however, he was a Hanifan Muslim (Pure-Monotheist Surrenderer to Allah). And he was not among the idol-worshippers/polytheists/Mushriks.>
This is the true definition of one who has surrendered to Allah Alone – a True Muslim. And not just any Muslim, a Hanifa Muslim.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Followed the Denomination of Abraham, Hanifa

There is no Sunni Muslim mentioned in the Quran, nor Shi’a Muslim mentioned in the Quran. Only Hanifa Muslim in the Quran 3:67 and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was strictly commanded to closely follow – the Denomination/Religion/Legacy/Creed of Abraham, Hanifa:
<16:123 Then/afterward, We inspired/revealed to you [Muhammad] that, ‘Closely-Follow (v.f8) the Denomination/Religion/Legacy/Creed of Abraham, Hanifa (Pure-Monotheist); and he was not among the idol-worshippers/polytheists/Mushriks.>
16:123 unquestionably proves that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was to ‘Closely-Follow the Denomination/Religion/Legacy/Creed of Abraham, Hanifa’. He obviously did and Prophet Muhammad confirms it because he said:
<6:161 Say, “Indeed, as for me, my Lord has guided me to a Straight Path – a Valuable Judgment/Religion –  the Denomination/Religion/Legacy/Creed of Abraham, Hanifa (Pure-Monotheist); and he was not among the idol-worshippers/polytheists/Mushriks.>
As a result, Prophet Abraham, the Father of today’s three major Monotheistic Religions, Judaism, Christianity & Islam (22:78) is the key Prophet to follow as commanded by Allah 3:95. Thus, it is mandatory for us Muslim Believers.
And this is who we are here at Abraham’s Foundation by Allah’s will.

Faithful-friend of Allah

4:125 And who is better/superior (aḥsanu) in Religion/Judgment (dīnan) than one who surrendered (aslama v.f4 = Islam) his-face to Allah while he is charitable/virtuous and closely-followed (v.f8) the Denomination/Religion/Legacy/Creed of Abraham – Hanifa (Pure-Monotheist)? And Allah took Abraham as an intimate/close/faithful-friend (Khalīla).

Most-Worthy of Mankind

3:68 Indeed, the most-worthy of Mankind/the people -> with Abraham (awlā n-nāsi bi-Ib’rāhīm most-entitled/deserving)
  1. are surely-those who closely-followed-him
  2. and this Prophet (Muhammad),
  3. and those who have believed.

And Allah is the Ally/Protector/Patron of the believers.