Abraham’s Foundation is a registered non-profit in Canada (La Fondation D’Abraham), our Registered Number is 1177608537. Every week we donate to everyone’s charities to feed the orphans and the needy in Palestine, Bangladesh & Pakistan. All donation amounts are posted on our Telegram channel weekly. And by donating, you are multiplying your rewards at your Lord on Judgment Day.
“And the weight on that Day is the Reality.
So whoever’s scales became heavy, then they are those who are the winners. – 7:8″

Abraham’s Foundation is a registered non-profit in Canada (La Fondation D’Abraham), our Registered Number is 1177608537. Every week we donate to everyone’s charities to feed the orphans and the needy in Palestine, Bangladesh & Pakistan. All donation amounts are posted on our Telegram channel weekly.
And by donating, you are multiplying your rewards at your Lord on Judgment Day.
“And the weight on that Day is the Reality. So whoever’s scales became heavy, then they are those who are the winners. – 7:8”

The Night of Qadr

Laylatu l-Qadr & The Battle of Badr (Full Moon) – Ramadan | The Quran & The Furqan


Laylatu l-Qadr PDF Free Download

Salaam dear Muslim Nation


Badr means Full Moon in Arabic.

The Battle on the Full Moon/Badr is mentioned in 3:123. As you continue reading this Surah till 3:155, this was the Day/Yawm when ‘The Two Armies Met’. And repeated in 3:166.

This story continues/QTC’s in Surah 8 with more details. At
8:41, we’re informed that the Day/Yawm the Two Armies Met, was the Day/Yawm of the Furqan.

Allah SWT revealed both the Quran and the Furqan on Ramadan – 2:185.

Therefore, the Battle of the Full Moon/Badr, was on the Full Moon of Ramadan. That is the Day/Yawm the Furqan was revealed which means, the Quran as well (2:185).

And since the Quran was revealed on that Yawm (includes night & day), specifically at Night, which the Full Moon is designed to be visible at its maximum luminosity, that is the Night of Qadr/Power/Destiny – Laylat Al-Qadr 97:1-3.


Please carefully review it and if Allah wills, “Laylat Al-Qadr” will become clear.

Salaam waRahmatu Allahi ‘alaykum

Laylatu l-Qadr PDF Free Download

La journée où les deux armées se sont rencontrées

La Nuit Du Qadr

Badr signifie Pleine Lune en arabe.

La bataille de la Pleine Lune/Badr est mentionnée dans 3:123. En continuant la lecture de cette sourate jusqu’à 3:155, on comprend que c’était le Jour/Yawm où ‘les deux armées se sont rencontrées’, une rencontre également répétée dans 3:166.

Cette histoire se poursuit dans la sourate 8 avec plus de détails. À 8:41, il est précisé que le Jour/Yawm où les deux armées se sont rencontrées était le Jour/Yawm du Furqan. Allah (SWT) a révélé à la fois le Coran et le Furqan durant Ramadan – 2:185.

Ainsi, la Bataille de la Pleine Lune/Badr a eu lieu lors de la Pleine Lune de Ramadan. C’est ce Jour/Yawm du Furqan, au cours duquel le Coran a également été révélé (2:185). Puisque le Coran a été révélé ce jour-là (incluant la nuit et le jour), plus précisément la nuit, lorsque la Pleine Lune est à son apogée de luminosité, cela correspond à la Nuit de Qadr/Puissance/Destinée – Laylat Al-Qadr 97:1-3.

Alhamdulillah !

Télécharger gratuitement le PDF de Laylat al-Qadr.

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